Openbsd after install ops []
2024-09-19 09:44
Openbsd after install ops []
2024-09-19 09:44
Bullshit jobs []
2024-05-03 06:35
Real, productive workers are relentlessly squeezed and exploited. The remainder are divided between a terrorised stratum of the, universally reviled, unemployed and a larger stratum who are basically paid to do nothing, in positions designed to make them identify with the perspectives and sensibilities of the ruling class (managers, administrators, etc.)—and particularly its financial avatars—but, at the same time, foster a simmering resentment against anyone whose work has clear and undeniable social value.
source: dhh
Enough problems to go around []
2024-05-02 21:01
Meaningful problems are the most valuable human motivators. Made-up problems are a blight. Ensure you have not quite enough time and people available to tackle the former lest you start inventing the latter.
source: dhh
One way forward: finding a path to what comes after Unix []
2024-03-02 05:49
Plan 9 was intended to be Unix, done better. It preemptively replaced a lot of what we now bodge together with virtual machines, containers, and even microkernels, and it did it more simply and cleanly. But it wasn’t compatible enough to replace its ancestor. With off-the-shelf existing 21st century tech, we can fix that.
source: fosdem2024
Inferno design principles []
2024-03-02 05:18
Fed up with Windows? Linux too easy? Get weird, go ALTERNATIVE []
2024-03-02 05:17
It’s hard to believe, looking at the modern computing world, but there is still more to life than Windows or Unix… and today, most of the alternatives run on vanilla x86 hardware and are free.
The curing value of creation []
2023-08-08 19:06
Make something. Participate in something. Engage with someone. All of it might feel as unnatural as strapping on those running shoes after too long of a break, but once you’re back to creating, the energy comes by itself.
io_uring vs others []
2023-08-07 06:05
The Grug Brained Developer []
2023-06-07 20:01
this collection of thoughts on software development gathered by grug brain developer
grug brain developer not so smart, but grug brain developer program many long year and learn some things although mostly still confused
Where does my computer get the time from? []
2023-06-05 12:21
source: dragonflydigest
Fascinating little programs []
2023-05-11 20:02
There is something special in simple code. Here I’m not referring to simplicity to fight complexity or over engineering, but to simplicity per se, auto referential, without goals if not beauty, understandability and elegance.
Rob Pike on the Origin of Unix Dot File Names []
2023-05-10 15:44
Long ago, as the design of the Unix file system was being worked out, the entries . and .. appeared, to make navigation easier....
You Want Modules, Not Microservices []
2023-03-31 12:20
Architecture is hard sometimes--people keep offering up some new idea that quickly becomes the mainstream “way to do it” without any context or nuance, and the industry, desperate to find ways to improve their architecture, snaps it up without hesitation. Microservices was the latest in the trend, and it’s time we dissected the idea and got to the real root of what’s going on.
source: CaptainPatate
La poudre verte - La solution à tous vos problèmes informatiques []
2023-03-31 07:49
* Décongestion de réseaux
* Débuggage de logiciels
* Protection contre les virus
* Protection contre les tentatives d’intrusions
* Restructuration de services
* Partage de connexion Internet sans connexion
* Suppression aléatoire de compte utilisateur
* Protection anti-spoofing basée sur les adresses MAC
* Définition de politique de gestion et de sécurité aléatoire
* Elimination systématique des fichiers de log (journaux)
* Protection contre les DoS et DDoS grâce au système exclusif InUranus®
* Support de IPoT
* Rend vos données importantes accessibles à tout moment et à tout endroit
* Débloque les claviers qui se bl
source: CaptainPatate
What color is your function []
2023-03-25 13:46
OpenBSD innovations []
2023-03-03 08:13
A curated list of openbsd’s innovations
Makefile Tutorial []
2023-03-03 08:11
The Most Expensive One-byte Mistake []
2023-03-02 07:53
Did Ken, Dennis, and Brian choose wrong with NUL-terminated text strings?
source: communications of the acm
The extensible scheduler class []
2023-02-16 08:40
In short, the argument goes, the ability to write scheduling policies in BPF greatly lowers the difficulty of experimenting with new approaches to scheduling. Both our workloads and the systems they run on have become much more complex since the completely fair scheduler was introduced; experimentation is needed to develop scheduling algorithms that are suited to current systems. The BPF scheduling class allows that experimentation in a safe manner without even needing to reboot the test machine. BPF-written schedulers can also improve performance for niche workloads that may not be worth supporting in the mainline kernel and are much easier to deploy to a large fleet of systems.
Just for Fun. No, Really. []
2023-02-09 21:37
There are hackers—believe it or not—who just love the art of building software. They do it for the challenge, for the fun of it. They aren’t trying to make a million dollars.